Walking into the house with little ones can be stressful. Everyone seems to need something at the same time and you have things that you need to do. The solution: the ten minute rule. Whenever I entered the house I would politely announce, “Ten Minute Rule!” My kids knew what that meant – don’t ask me for anything for ten minutes. This ten minutes gave me a chance to do the following:
Put my keys away on my key hook (maybe you have a bowl or a ledge) so they could be easily found later
Put my pocketbook away
Empty the dirty clothes out of my gym bag
Go through the mail – recycling unwanted mail, and filing my “to read” mail in my hanging file holder
Put any leftover dirty dishes into the dishwasher
Put away any items that I purchased from CVS, Target, etc.
Jot down any notes on my To-Do list
The kids were expected to put away their lunch boxes, emptying any leftovers. They could also get themselves a snack and a drink of water if they couldn’t wait. Sometimes I set the timer to remind myself (and them) when it was over.
It sounds simple but it let me get the house tidy and it put me at ease and ready to help the kids with their homework. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!
Laine Hardman can be reached at [email protected], 703-401-4829 or
Laine Hardman can be reached at [email protected], 703-401-4829 or
I have worked with so many Moms over the years, organizing their toys, books, and clothes. I love it when I come across a new idea to solve an old problem. Here are some out-of-the-box solutions to consider.
Stuffed Animals
Stuffed animals can be a challenge. We have all seen the hanging, mesh holders and the hammock. But I really liked this DIY idea because the kids can grab just one animal without dumping the whole lot. They can see the animals and, most importantly, put them back! It reminds me of zoo!
This was made from a $15 bookcase, some bungee cords with the ends cut off and hooks removed, and a drill. Impressive!
Barbie Dolls
Consider using a clear shoe holder to store Barbies. It keeps them within reach and off the floor. And it looks great!
Craft Supplies
Use food storage containers to corral craft supplies. These are clear so your little ones can see what is inside. And it will make putting away these supplies a snap!
Bath Toys
A fruit basket can become a toy caddie in the bathroom. The toys will dry out and stay in one place. Inexpensive and useful!
Small Toys
Toys with small pieces can live in tool chest. One drawer for each type of toy. It gives your space a cool, industrial look!
Try one of these solutions and see how it works for you!
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Laine Hardman can be reached at [email protected], 703-401-4829 or
Spring cleaning your house can be rewarding but challenging. For some, deciding what to toss, what to keep, and what to donate can seem daunting. This stops some people in their tracks, causing them to give up their organizing project completely. After pulling all items out of the area that you are organizing and sorting them by kind (legos with the legos, cars with the cars, etc.), now is the time to make some decisions.
Although there is no one strategy that will work for all people, here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide when it is okay to let it go!
Consider these questions and decide which one(s) resonate with you. Ask yourself only the question or two that will move you into action:
Have I used this item in the past year?
If no, and it is not an heirloom, you should toss or donate it.
Laine Hardman can be reached at [email protected], 703-401-4829 or
We all love our kids’ artwork. The tiny handprints, the sun with the face, the macaroni skeleton. But saving it all is impractical. As a professional organizer, I am constantly being asked: With all these piles of masterpieces, how do we decide what to keep and how do we store it?
Here are some ideas to help you and your child proudly display, sort, and store those works of art.
Display It
Designate one high-traffic area where you can display the newest, favorite works immediately. A clothesline can be strung high on a wall with clothespins to hold the art or clips can hang from the ceiling.
Photos above courtesy of
A hinged frame from is great. Newer works are placed in front; up to 50 older works are stored behind it. This allows for easy display and storage.
[Read more…] about Children’s Artwork: What to Keep and Where to Keep It